Nafiz Zaman Shuva
Queens College, City University of New York
nafiz.shuva@qc.cuny.eduAbout CAISCAIS was incorporated in 1970 to promote the advancement of information science in Canada, and encourage and facilitate the exchange of information relating to the use, access, retrieval, organization, management, and dissemination of information. CAIS achieves these goals through its internationally recognized journal, the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, and its annual conference. CAIS members include information scientists and archivists, librarians, computer scientists, documentalists, economists, educators, journalists, psychologists, and others who support its objectives. In line with CAIS’s mission to support and promote Canadian Library and Information Science research, the CAIS community platform aims to provide CAIS members with a space to host virtual events such as conferences, workshops, and webinars, and to share their work with our community and beyond. |
Vice-President/President-ElectAnton Boudreau NinkovUniversité de Montréal |
Practitioner RepresentativeMary GreenshieldsEuropean University Institute |
Land Acknowledgement Across Turtle Island and this land we now call Canada, CAIS-ACSI members live and work on treaty territories and unceded lands of diverse Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge our responsibilities to honour those who were here before us and recognize that these lands have been sites of meeting and exchange for the First Peoples for thousands of years. We respect and are grateful for the long history of Indigenous stewardship of the lands and waters and acknowledge the urgency of working together to address ecological devastation today. CAIS members are on their own personal paths of reconciliation, however, as an Association we have more work to do to dismantle colonial structures and practices within our disciplinary and professional communities. We commit to learning and teaching about past and ongoing injustices perpetuated against Indigenous Peoples including in the name of information science through biased information classification, collections, unequal levels of access to information and information services, discriminatory recruitment and hiring practices, and by neglecting to include Indigenous perspectives, practices, pedagogies, and methodologies in our teaching and research. Further, we commit to uplifting Indigenous voices in our association and to working in solidarity with Indigenous colleagues and communities to support Indigenous rights to information, data sovereignty, preservation of Indigenous languages and cultural heritage, and more equitable library and information services and structures. |
L’ACSI est créée en 1970, afin de promouvoir l’avancement des sciences de l’information au Canada, d’encourager et de faciliter les échanges académiques, relatifs aux problématiques d’usages, d’accès, de repérage, d’organisation, de gestion et de diffusion de l’information.
L’ACSI atteint ses objectifs à travers sa revue bilingue La Revue canadienne des sciences de l’information et de bibliothéconomie, qui bénéficie d’une réputation internationale, et son congrès annuel.
L’ACSI compte parmi ses membres autant des chercheurs que des praticiens et professionnels de l’information : chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs en sciences de l’information, archivistes, conservateurs et bibliothécaires, documentalistes, économistes, journalistes, psychologues. Elle rassemble également d’autres chercheurs venant d’autres disciplines s’intéressant aux questions touchant l’objet « information » et partageant ses objectifs.
Conformément à la mission de l’ACSI qui est de soutenir et de promouvoir la recherche canadienne en bibliothéconomie et en sciences de l’information, la plateforme communautaire de l’ACSI vise à fournir aux membres un espace et du support pour l’organisation d’événements virtuels tels que des conférences, des ateliers et des webinaires. Elle vise aussi à permettre aux membres de partager leur recherche au sein et au-delà de la communauté canadienne de chercheurs en bibliothéconomie et sciences de l’information.